Career as CFA Vs MBA

MBA Program is designed for management purpose not for financial analysis. So, it covers a broad range of topics. Where as CFA is about specializing in Investment and Finance only. That’s why most of the CFA can directly start their career in financial analysis area and they do not have to worry about CFA Salary.
Who all are hiring CFA® ?
Almost all the companies in investment and finance are hiring CFA around the globe. There are approximately 120,000 CFA members in 35 countries as of July’2014.
Top Employers are:
[ordered_list style=”decimal”]
- JP Morgan
- Bank of America
- E&Y
- CITI Group
- Morgan Stanley
- Wells Fargo
- Nomura
- Goldman Sachs
Which Industry is hiring more?

In pursuit of an excellent career we need to set are career goals, Industry where we want to work, Job profile we are looking for. Let’s check out which industry is hiring more CFA?
CFA Salary in India and Abroad
Big question! How much I’ll be paid as a CFA? There is not a specific answer; it highly depends on Job profile and industry. Normally, CFA charters are paid between $100,000 – $50,000 in international market, where as in India average salary is between INR 800,000 to INR 2,000,000.
Good thing about CFA program is you can study while working. Students, who are just level 1 or level 2 are getting good job opportunities.
I want some informations regarding CFA